
Archive for November, 2008

Another driving Sunday

Headed out this morning to go to Calcis. First had to make a stop to get fuel and assorted things at Wally World at Lenlock, then went out to 431 and took 144 to Ragland where we hung a left out by the cement plant and headed to Coal City. Turned at the blinking light in Coal City and instead of an immediate right I messed up and went straight. Cat said to see where it would take us and as it seemed to be heading in the right general direction that’s what we did. Ended up taking us right into downtown Pell City and bypassing a whole mess of traffic out by the interstate and the Wally World shopping complex, plus it was a much more sedate and pleasant drive. At the Steak House intersection we took a left onto 231 and made the rest of the trip as per usual. Got there and took the stuff in then Byron and I wandered around outside and talked while Cat did what she needed to do with the computer and such. She finished around 2 and we headed back with a stop at the boat launch on 231 for a quick bag lunch. After finishing eating headed on back the same way we went and I think it’s a shorter route. Got back to 77 in Ohatchee and took a left toward Southside, then a right onto Rainbow Drive, and right on through to where the PowWow was supposed to be. Unfortunately rain and cold weather had caused them to close it up this morning. We stopped and talked to Paul (the one who owns the lake and camp ground) for a bit and then headed on home. A long day on the road and nothing really accomplished but tis done and over and tomorrow is another day. Here’s hoping I get more done than I did today. Till then… 😉

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Rainy Saturday

When we went out to go to the store around 2 pm the rain gauge was showing 1 and 7/10 inches. As it has rained a fair amount since suspect it is closer to 2 by now.

Been working inside today, trying to get the upstairs bedroom ready for the winter move to warmth. Was going to open the ceiling and add some insulation but after encountering a large nest of wasps decided to forgo that and move on to plan B. So been cutting and drilling and screwing boards in place on top of the foam to allow me to staple the bubble pack foil backed insulation to the ceiling. Got about 3/4’s of the woodwork done and am taking a break for a few to let the back and arms rest. Still hoping to get started with installing the insulation tonight but may have to wait till later.

Got the computer moved last night. And after running 4 different ethernet cables got one to work around midnight. One of those days/nights.

Guess I have wasted enough time, so will close and get back at it. Till tomorrow… 😉

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Got no use for the crowds so stayed at home today. Got a bit more welding done on the camper frame. Need more rods and fuel for the welder now. Will see about getting them tomorrow. Got the living room cleaned up a bit, a few more books put up, and got things closer to ready to move my computer to the warm room for the winter.

Moved the cabinet on the qhut south wall up to allow 48 inches under it so I can put my desk with the monitor under it. Removed the plastic that has been on the ceiling since we built the second floor in there. Did a bit of cooking and some eating. All in all a rather full day. Gonna browse a bit longer and maybe start moving the computer, then again maybe not. Till tomorrow… 😉

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Too full Thursday

Got the turkey picked and warmed along with the mashed potatoes and went over to the folks for the big lunch. They had ham, dressing, marinated veggies, rolls, and gravy. Mass quantities were consumed. Key lime pie was eaten later in the afternoon. Back home and been vegging for the rest of the day.

About the only other thing done today was to get one last coat of paint on the springs which emptied the rattle can of paint I was using. May put on a couple of more coats as this is the thin super cheap wally world variety. Should have spent the extra bucks and gotten a better paint but got 4 cans for the price of one of the others so who knows. Time and rust will tell, I’m sure.

Not sure what tomorrow will bring. Will see when it gets here. Till then… 😉

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Wednesday almost done

Had to go to Wally World this morning so went to the one in Anniston so I could go by Tractor Supply also. Picked up a gallon of Fence Post Paint to coat the frame and bottom of the camper with. Looks to be some good stuff. Did the Wally World thing and got out without killing anyone. Just… Nuff said on that subject…

Back home and after lunch got back to working on the frame. Got the hitch welded to the tongue rails. Then after a bit of rigging managed to get the tongue aligned on both front and back to within less than 1/32″ which is more than close enough on this beast. Will see if it is still that close when I get the welding finished. Went as far as I could before it got too dark to see what I was doing, then got the turkey on and started it cooking. Was still frozen this morning so put it in a large stock pot full of cool water and let it finish thawing in there. Cooked it for about 2 hours and the bones were pulling loose when tugged on so figure it’s ready to eat. Cut up and cooked a couple of pounds of potatoes for mashed with chives and mild cheddar. Got a pot of mixed veggies on cooking down now to make a large turkey pot pie with tomorrow afternoon with the left overs from the last one we fixed. Just hoping that there is room in the fridge for it all. Gonna let the turkey finish cooling down then remove all the meat and put it in the fridge for the night. Will reheat before taking it to the folks house in the morning.

Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving! Till tomorrow… 😉

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Spent most of the day welding, grinding, or cutting metal. Got the front and back crosspieces put in, clamped down and welded up. Finished welding the spring mount crosspieces. Got the tongue rails cut to length and started welding them to the hitch when the darkness attacked and drove me inside. Also got the first coat of paint on the springs. Hope to get a couple or 3 more on tomorrow and then let them cure out a few days prior to greasing them up and reassembling them.

Getting closer with the frame, and almost got the camper built in my head. Looks like it will be another cheapie, as in gonna build it out of bits and pieces of stuff that we already have on hand. Gonna try to get some of the plans out of my head and on paper soon. For now am gonna spend a bit longer browsing and then hit the sack. Been a long one on my aching back. Till tomorrow… 😉

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Common Sense Fail / Joke

Common Sense Fail « FAIL Blog: Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail Moments

And we have signs like this because of people who totally refuse/are unable to use their brains and the local governments who cater to them… 😦

Though according to something in the comments (and on the sign) it’s a joke by an artist instead a serious notice by the city council… 😉

Funny either way…

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Managed to get a bit done none the less. Cleaned up the outside work area. Built a shelving unit to hold a lot of the wood and such that was in the previous camper, and got a fair amount cleaned of screws and such and put up. Moved the grills down toward the build area and moved the welder to the west end so it’s not right by me when I am working. A bit less noisy this way. Changed out the battery terminal connectors on the screwdriver/drill and charged the battery up a bit. Changed out the connectors on the battery leads to the welder and charged up the truck battery I am now using with it. Fired up the welder and after burning up a couple more Lincoln brand 6011 3/32″ rods changed back to the 6013 3/32″ rods and welded up the front cross piece for the camper frame. I think this entire box of 6011’s are bad. To get them to weld at all I am having to run the current up to 70+ amps which ends up burning up the flux coating. Suckers stick like no rods I have ever used. I’ve done some searching online and not found anything about anyone having a problem like this with them but who knows. I thought when it first happened the rods might be damp though it was a new unopened box so brought them inside and have had them on the shelf behind the woodburner for the past 3 days so they should be good and dry if that was the problem. Took a few out and tried them and they did the same stick and start melting thing they did the other day. Got some 6013’s from the same company (Lincoln) that have been outside under the shed the whole time and they work fine. Been using Forney brand (I think) from Warren Ace Hardware in Jacksonville and have not had any trouble with them. Guess I will go up there and get a box and see how their 6011’s work on this metal. I like the 6011’s cause they don’t leave such a heavy flux buildup on the weld. Anyway, finished welding the crossmember backing plate on and called it a night. Will see what I can get finished up tomorrow. Till then… 😉

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Busy Sunday

Got 2 truck loads of wood cut, split and stacked. One before lunch and one after. Then went back out and across into the bamboo thicket where some of the airsoft people had built a hooch, then when we shut down took it mostly down but left the pieces on the ground. Finished taking it apart and loaded a fair amount of the bits on the truck, brought it back here to the compound and got it under shelter. Looks to be enough plywood to do at least half of the floor in the camper. Got a fair number of 2×4’s and a couple of sheets of osb too. Still another truck load of materials over there, was dark by the time we got this load out so called it a night. Will get back over that way in the next couple of days and get the rest of the stuff moved over here. Am gonna move all the materials that are left over there back on this side of the creek as time and energy allow. Just want to clean them up and get it all ready to build with as I move them this way. Slowly, slowly eats the elephant… 😉

Didn’t get any more done on the camper frame today. Will try again tomorrow weather permitting. For now am gonna do a bit more browsing and then call it an early night. Till tomorrow… 😉

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Needed to cut more wood for the coming weeks this morning so finished unloading the Toyota truck. Got to hunting the bar and chain oil and couldn’t find it. Also needed fuel for the Toyota so decided to make a trip to Wally World in Anniston. Checked the price of chain oil in Wally World and walked to Tractor Supply to see if they were even close, which they weren’t. Price at WW was 5.17 per gal and cheapest at TS was 8.99. So back to WW and got a gallon. Went to get fuel and the tanker was at the station so went up the road and saved a .01 per gallon. Got a call while out that a friend needed me to work on his Pathfinder so agreed to meet him here at 2 or so. Started home and decided to detour to Alexandria to go by the thrift store. Found several things there and on the way home found a sale going at the Alexandria Methodist Church so stopped and did a bit of shopping there too. Got back just as they got here with the Pathfinder. Finished with the key trading and such and ate lunch then discovered that we had one day left on the card to get the digital decoder box for Cat’s mom on her card. Also needed to go by my folks house and get the Thanksgiving turkey so it could start thawing for cooking on Wednesday. Got a container of the soup we cooked yesterday and took them. Dad had several things he wanted to know if I was interested in and I was so loaded it all up and talked a while. Then got the turkey and some cornbread and headed back out to WW where they were out of the decoder boxes. On down the road to Kmart where we got one. And back home. Again. Still no wood cut. No further work done on the camper frame. But a day gone. Will try again tomorrow. Did get the battery in the Toyota charged all day so maybe it will start tomorrow. Gonna try to go to the 431 tradedays tomorrow then come in and get the wood cut and work on the camper frame for a while. Will see how it goes when the morning comes. Till tomorrow… 😉

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